Charcoal Canister kit instructions

Closed building conditions

12 hours before the test starts, and during the testing period, all windows and doors in the entire home must be kept closed, except for normal entrance and exit through the doors. Heating and central air systems may be used, but not room air conditioners, attic fans, fireplaces, or wood stoves.

Step 1

Remove the vinyl tape from around the charcoal canister and remove the lid. 

Note: Ensure the tape and lid are kept with the original canister and are returned to the same canister at test completion. 

Step 2

Place charcoal canister, open side up in the testing location.

Step 3

Repeat Step 1 for duplicate canister (if applicable)

Step 4

Place duplicate charcoal canister open side up in testing location 4 inches from main canister. (if applicable) 

Step 5

Record the test start date and time on the reverse page.

Step 6

Expose canister for a minimum of 48 hours and a maximum of 144 hours

Step 7

At test completion, close each charcoal canister using the original lid and vinyl tape. 

Step 8

Record the test end date and time on the reverse page.

Step 9

Ensure the chain of custody information on the reverse page has been completed. 

Step 10

Place the charcoal canister(s) in the mailing envelope. Mail within one (1) day.  

Note:  Charcoal canisters must be received by the laboratory no later than noon 6 days after test completion.